10 Best Oil to Sear Steak With

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What is the best oil to sear steak with?

The best oil to sear steak is an oil that has a smoke point of 400 ºF/204 ºC or higher. Keep reading for a list of the best oils to use with high heat.

best oil to sear steak

As long as you use an oil that has a high smoke point there is no best oil to sear a steak. It will come down to personal preferences so there is no right or wrong answer.

Steak is one of my family’s favorite foods so we cook it quite often. I have tried most ways to cook steak and searing will give you the taste closest to that of high-end restaurants.

I have not tried all the oils on this list. I did the research on all the oils listed. With this knowledge, I am now eager to try all these oils to see if I can discover anything new.

Keep reading to find out the 10 best oils to sear a steak. We will go over the following to help you make an informed decision:

  • Oil Smoke points
  • Benefits of the oil
  • Negatives of the oil

Chart of smoking points

OilSmoke Point ºFSmoke Point ºC
Safflower Oil510266
Sunflower Oil450232
Refined or Light Olive Oil465240
Peanut Oil450232
Avocado Oil520270
Beef Tallow400204
Ghee or Clarified Butter450232
Canola Oil400204
Corn Oil450232
Rice Bran Oil450232

Why is a High Smoke Point Needed for Searing?

Heating oils past their smoking point can create a rancid burnt flavor to the food you cook. Also exceeding the smoke point can lead to the creation of carcinogens.

Unless you have a ton of searing experience it’s best to use an oil with a high smoke point. This will give you a higher margin of error and help prevent you from ruining an expensive steak.

What is Searing?

searing steak

Searing is placing the meat in a very hot pan until it forms a nice brown crust over the surface of the meat.

The brown crust created by searing gives you a mouth-watering steak. This crust adds incredible flavor and is a must for any steak enthusiast.

Difference between Refined vs. Unrefined oil

Oils are usually put into either refined or unrefined categories.

Below we will go over the differences between each one.

Refined Oil

Refined oil goes through a process that uses heat to extract the oil. Using heat speeds up the extraction process and produces more oil. Once the heat extracts the oil it is usually deodorized and bleached. This process is to remove any potentially harmful items.

The downside to using high heat and chemicals to extract the oil is the loss of nutrients, flavor, and aroma.

The upside to using this process is that oil will have a longer shelf life and that the oil has a higher smoke point. The high smoke point makes it ideal for frying and searing.

Unrefined Oil

Also known as cold-pressed oil, unrefined oil uses pressure rather than heat to extract the oil.

Part of the process is to put the plant or seeds between two plates. The material is then squeezed until the oils release.

There are downsides to using unrefined oils. The biggest is that most aren’t suitable for frying or searing due to their lower smoke point. They can also change the flavor profile of certain foods.

The upside in this method is that the nutrients, flavor, and aroma are not affected. So if you are into clean eating, using unrefined oil is the way to go. With these oils, you receive all the healthy nutrients of the plant.

10 Best Oils to sear steak

When making any major changes to your diet it’s always best to consult with a physician.

Safflower oil

Safflower oil has a very high smoke point of 510 ºF/266 ºC which makes it ideal for searing.

The safflower plant is a member of the sunflower family.

When shopping for Safflower oil the most common type is high-oleic. This oil is a heat-stable cooking oil and is ideal for frying or searing food such as french fries and steaks.

Potential benefits of Safflower oil:

  • Is high in vitamin E which contains antioxidant properties. [1]
  • Used for a variety of skin conditions. [1] [2] [3]
  • Stable under high heat. [1]
  • May slow blood clotting. [2]
  • Studies have shown that safflower oil may lower bad cholesterol (LDL). [1] [2] [3]

Potential downsides of Safflower oil

  • Has high levels of omega-6 fatty acids which can lead to inflammation. [1]
  • Might increase blood sugar so people with diabetes need to be very careful. [3]
  • Studies have shown safflower may slow blood clotting. Thus, there is an increased risk of bleeding during or after surgery. Consult with a medical professional if you have any surgeries scheduled. [2]

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil has a smoke point of 450 ºF/232 ºC which meets the threshold for searing.

This oil is popular because it has a mild flavor and high smoke point.

Potential benefits of Sunflower oil:

  • Contains high amounts of oleic acid. [4] [5]
  • Meets the FDA requirements to be a heart-healthy food. [4]

Potential downsides of Sunflower oil:

  • Weight gain risk. [4] [5]
  • Can raise cancer risk. Since sunflower oil contains the most aldehydes out of the popular cooking oils. [4] [5]

Extra Light or Refined Olive Oil

Refined or Extra Light Olive Oil has a smoke point of 465 ºF/240 ºC. This makes it a solid choice to sear or fry with. This along with the many health benefits makes it a very popular choice.

Not all Olive oil is the same though. You may have read that you shouldn’t use olive oil in high temperatures. This causes a lot of confusion since a lot of recipes for searing steak involve olive oil.

The olive oil in question is Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This oil has a smoke point at around 375 ºF/190 ºC. 

Using Extra Light or Refined Olive Oil is the much better choice since its smoke point is 465 ºF/240 ºC 

Olive Oil is famous for its health benefits. However, the refining process strips most of the beneficial polyphenols. These polyphenols give olive oil the health benefits it is famous for. But all is not negative. Olive oil does have one advantage over most other refined oils. It has a high amount of monounsaturated fat and is more stable as a result.  [6] [7]

Potential benefits of Refined or Extra Light Olive Oil:

  • Is considered a heart-healthy fat since it is high in monounsaturated fat. [6] [7]
  • High in phenolic compounds, which can decrease many health problems. These compounds may help with heart disease, and reduce blood clots, cancer, and inflammation. [6] [7]

Potential downsides of Refined or Extra Light Olive Oil:

  • Is high in calories and can lead to weight gain. [6] [7]
  • Has fewer nutrients and health benefits than Extra Virgin Olive Oil. [6] [7]
  • Allergic reactions.  [6] [7]

Peanut oil

Peanut oil is a very popular oil for high-heat cooking due to its high smoke point of 450 ºF/232 ºC.

Oleic acid (omega-9) is the main type of monounsaturated fat found in peanut oil.  Peanut oil also contains high amounts of linoleic acid (omega-6).  There are also small amounts of palmitic acid which is a saturated fat.

This breakdown is vital in determining the health benefits and risks of Peanut oil.

Potential benefits of Peanut oil:

  • Good source of Vitamin E. [8] [9]
  • Can potentially help reduce heart disease. [8] [9]
  • May help control insulin levels. [8] [9]

Potential downsides of Peanut oil:

  • High in omega-6 fatty acids which can lead to inflammation. [8] [9]
  • Peanut oil is prone to oxidation. [8] [9]
  • Be aware of peanut allergies even if using refined peanut oil. [8] [9]

Avocado Oil

Avocado oil has the highest smoke point of all plant-based oils at around 480°F/240 ºC for Extra virgin avocado oil.  This smoke point is higher than even most refined oils.

This oil is very comparable to extra virgin olive oil in benefits but with a much higher smoke point.  

With such a high smoke point this allows you to keep most of the benefits this oil has.

Avocado oil is high in oleic acid and is heart-healthy since it’s high in unsaturated fat.  It also helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins and is rich in vitamin E.

Potential benefits of Avocado oil:

  • Improved heart health. [10] [11]
  • Lower blood pressure. [10] [11]
  • Improve eye and skin health. [10] [11]
  • Lower cholesterol. [10] [11]

Potential downsides of Avocado oil:

  • Weight gain since oil is a high-fat food. [10] [11]
  • Possible slight avocado taste when using unrefined oil. [10] [11]
  • Using unrefined oil can cause the same allergy effects as actually eating an avocado. [10] [11]
  • Can interfere with certain medications.  The most known is that it can degrade Warfarin.  It’s always best to consult with a physician if you are unsure about your medication. [11]

Beef Tallow

Beef Tallow is an old-fashioned cooking fat. With a smoke point of 400 ºF/204 ºC tallow has recently been making a comeback.

Due to false health scares over saturated fats, replacements for tallow became popular. Refined seed and vegetable oils became the popular replacement.

Cooking with natural ingredients has led to the resurgence of beef tallow’s popularity.

Creating tallow involves rendering animal fat. This fat stays solid at room temperature. At room temperature, beef tallow is a tad harder than butter. Thus tallow is easy to measure, store, and easy to work with like butter. It also has a long shelf life if stored in an airtight container. 

Potential benefits of Beef Tallow:

  • Searing and frying with beef tallow gives the food a savory and meaty flavor. This flavor comes close to matching the steak’s flavor profile. [12] [13]
  • Best tasting searing option that is a better health option than most refined oils.
  • Is a sustainable cooking fat. [12] [13]
  • Good Source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA may help reduce body fat deposits and improve immune function. [12] [13]
  • Is a decent source of vitamins A, D, and E. [12] [13]

Potential downsides of Beef Tallow:

  • Can lead to weight gain if consumed in excess. [12] [13]
  • High in saturated fat. [12] [13]
  • Possible links to heart disease and cancer. There is not enough data to prove either way if there is an increase in risk or not with consumption. [12] [13]

Clarified butter

Clarified butter or Ghee has been around for centuries in India and the Middle East. It has a high smoke point of 450 ºF/232 ºC which makes it a great candidate for searing steak.

To create ghee, heat butter until the liquid and milk solids separate from the fat. The milk solids settle to the bottom of the container. Allow the remaining oil to cool and then strain the milk solids into another container.

Once the process is complete ghee does not need to be stored in the refrigerator. In fact, you can store at room temperature for several weeks. Like coconut oil, ghee becomes solid when kept at colder temperatures. 

Potential benefits of clarified butter:

  • Using high heat on ghee produces much less of the toxic acrylamide than seed and vegetable oils. [14] [15]
  • Contains butyric acid. Butyric acid may improve digestive health by reducing gut inflammation. [14] [15]
  • Is rich in conjugated linoleic acid. Linoleic acid may help with obesity, cancer, and high cholesterol. [14] [15]
  • Clarified butter is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Which can help protect against heart disease by reducing inflammation. [14] [15]
  • Ghee is completely free of the milk sugar lactose and the milk protein casein. This makes it ideal for use for people with lactose sensitivities. [14] [15]

Potential downsides of clarified butter:

  • Consuming small amounts of ghee can be healthy for your heart. Eating too much may damage your heart. People at risk for heart disease should be cautious when first using it. [14] [15]
  • Consuming too much clarified butter can lead to weight gain and an elevated risk of obesity. This is because it’s rich in fat and a calorie-dense food. [14] [15]
  • The high heat used during creation may cause the cholesterol to become oxidized. Oxidation can cause an increase in risk for several diseases. Among these are heart disease. [14] [15]

Using clarified butter to sear steaks isn’t popular due to cost and availability.  So keep that in mind if considering trying to use ghee to sear.

Canola oil

Canola oil is one of the most popular oils on the market. This is due to its price, easy availability, and versatility. It also has a high smoke point of 400 ºF/204 ºC and adds little to no flavor to the food. 

The potential benefits of canola oil:

  • Has less saturated fat than all other oils used in the USA. [15] [16]
  • Contains a high amount of omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Only flax seed oil contains a higher amount of ALA. Studies have shown it may help with blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation. Please note that high heat may have negative impacts on ALA. [15] [16]

Potential downsides of canola oil:

  • Is very refined compared to most other oils. [15] [16]
  • High omega-6 content which can lead to inflammation. [15] [16]
  • 90% of canola crops are genetically engineered. Many scientific experts deem GMO foods safe. But there is not a lot of proven data either way on its positive or negative effects. [15] [16]
  • Animal studies have shown that canola oil may have a negative effect on memory. The study fed mice a diet rich in canola oil. The results were significant weight gain and a noticeable loss of memory. [15] [16]

Corn Oil

Corn Oil is one of the most popular and known cooking oils. It’s best known as a frying oil. It has a high smoke point of 450 ºF/232 ºC.

Due to its popularity, you can buy at almost any grocery store. Another factor in its popularity is the lower price point compared to most other oils.

Corn doesn’t contain much fat. Thus, it must go through a rigorous process to extract the oil. This process can lead to potential issues in the future.

Potential benefits of Corn oil:

  • Corn oil is full of phytosterols which may be anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammatory foods can decrease the risk of certain medical conditions. Among them are type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even some cancers. [17] [18]
  • May promote heart health. Corn oil contains Vitamin E, phytosterols, and linoleic acid. These nutrients may lower the risk of heart disease. [17] [18]

Potential downsides of Corn oil:

  • Highly refined oil. [17] [18]
  • The majority of corn oil is from GMO corn crops. [17] [18]
  • High omega-6 content which can lead to an increase in inflammation. [17] [18]

Rice Bran oil

Rice bran oil comes from extracting the brown outer coating of rice. Then it is expeller-pressed to extract the oil. The oil is then refined through filtration.

This oil is very popular for deep-frying and stir-frying. This is due to its high smoke point of 450 ºF/232 ºC and all the antioxidants it contains.

Potential benefits of Rice Bran oil:

  • High amounts of Vitamin E. Studies have shown it can be effective in lowering cholesterol. [19] [20]
  • May help lower blood pressure when used with blood pressure medication. [19] [20]
  • Studies have also shown it may help with type 2 diabetes with consistent and moderate use. [19] [20]
  • Has been shown to be effective in helping to relieve bad breath. [19] [20]

Potential downsides of Rice Bran Oil:

  • Can lead to weight gain, best used in moderation. [19] [20]
  • People with low blood sugar should consult a doctor before use. Rice bran oil can lower blood pressure. [19] [20]
  • Should refrigerate to keep it from going rancid and to extend its shelf life. [19] [20]

Beware of Food Allergies before picking an oil

There is still a small risk when using refined oils. Small amounts of the proteins that cause allergic reactions may still exist. Definitely do not use unrefined oils that anyone is allergic to. [21] [22]

So it’s always best to be careful not to use any oils that may cause allergic reactions to your guests. If you are unsure of the safety of an oil it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional.

What to do next?

Now that you have the information on the best oil to sear steak with. Be sure to rank the factors that are important to you to make this an easier decision.  Some examples would be the cost of oil, smoke point, taste of oil, health benefits of oil, etc.  

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Angela loves traveling and sampling the world's different cuisines When she isn't spending time with her family and pets, or traveling she is usually in the kitchen whipping up delicious meals.

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